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The Kybalion - Tres Iniciados

The Kybalion - Tres Iniciados


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The Kybalion For Centuries The Legendary Egyptian Man-God Hermes Trismegistus - Regarded as The Father of Astrology Alchemy And Other Magical Arts - Inspired Writers And Readers of Occult Literature. The Kybalion Has Long Fascinated Readers With Its Exploration of Hermetic Wisdom. Credited to The Mysterious Three Initiates The Kybalion is an Esoteric Classic That Has Remained Popular Since Its Initial Publication in 1908. The Book Explores The Seven Hermetic Principles Including The Principles of Causation Mental Transmutation And Polarity And The Philosophies it Contains Became Founding Ideas in The New Thought Movement. The Kybalion is a Perfect Resource And a Key Source of Wisdom For The Growing Wave of Readers Interested in The Occult And Esoteric. The Best Introduction to Hermeticism For Beginners And Adepts Alike This Definitive Edition of One of Esoteric Literatures Classics Explores Principles Relevant to Any Religious Spiritual or Magical Tradition. Autor: The Three Initiates Editorial: Del Fondo Año: 2022 Idioma: Inglés n Páginas: 130 Encuadernación: Rústica Dimensiones: 14 x 21 Isbn 13: 9789878978079.